[BlindRUG] our meet up

Godfrey, Jonathan A.J.Godfrey at massey.ac.nz
Fri Jul 3 00:14:46 UTC 2020

Hello all,

Our first meet up via Zoom was pretty good and there was sufficient desire to do it again in 2-3 months' time. At this stage, I propose using 20:00GMT again, on Thursday 10 September so you might pencil that in your diaries now. I hope that then leaves us time to have another session in late November or early December.

My thanks to those people who joined us at what may have been an anti-social time of day in their part of the world. The start time may not have been unattractive, but we did go for more than the planned 90 minutes before getting into friendly chit-chat at the end.

Some tips were shared today, and will be shared on this list as time allows for the relevant contributor. There was also one question which will be put on the list to see if more help is out there.

My thanks to JooYoung and Gary for the updates on improving the accessibility of RStudio. It is clear that there is hope for our collective desire to be making full use of RStudio; we are definitely in a different era  now, and it will only get better in the coming months.

Finally, we did make a rough plan for the next  discussion. It was clear that a number of people want to start or get better at using R markdown so this is what we'll look at in greater detail next time. My thanks to JooYoung for offering to help lead this discussion.


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