[BlindRUG] RStudio accessibility improvements

JooYoung Seo jooyoung at psu.edu
Wed Mar 4 19:20:35 UTC 2020

Hello all,

I am writing this to let you know that RStudio has just announced
their accessibility support that will be introduced in v1.3.

You can read the full description at

You can ask any RStudio accessibility-related questions at
accessibility at rstudio.com

FYI, RStudio Desktop is not yet usable for screen readers, but RStudio
Server has improved a lot.

Hope this helps.

All the best,


  JooYoung Seo, CPACC
  Ph.D. Candidate (ABD),
  Learning, Design, and Technology
  Learning and Performance Systems
  The Pennsylvania State University
  Site: https://www.jooyoungseo.com/
  Phone: +1 (814) 777-5825
  E-mail: jzs323 at psu.edu

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