[BlindRUG] Good tip: Playing an auditory error sound in R

JooYoung Seo jooyoung at psu.edu
Wed Apr 7 03:19:07 UTC 2021


I hope that everyone is doing well.

I am sharing a good tip to play a unique sound whenever an error occurs in R.

That could help us quickly pick up an error using an auditory sound,
improving accessibility for users with and without visual impairments.

Do the following in R session:

``` r
# Make sure to install required packages:
if(!require(usethis)) {

if(!require(beepr)) {

# Open your Rprofile:

# When .Rprofile is open copy and paste the following line at the end,
and then save.
options(error = beepr::beep)

# Restart yR session, and test whether you hear jingle sound per error:

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


  JooYoung Seo, CPACC
  Ph.D. Candidate (ABD),
  RStudio's Trusted Data-Science Instructor
  Learning, Design, and Technology
  Learning and Performance Systems
  The Pennsylvania State University
  Site: https://jooyoungseo.com/
  Phone: +1 (814) 777-5825
  E-mail: jzs323 at psu.edu

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