[Blindtlk] The Cost of Independent Travel

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Fri Aug 27 20:24:46 UTC 2010

A number of people here have pointed out problems with developing a 
car that blind persons could drive.  It seems to me that the tone of 
some of these messages, if not the words, is that this is something 
we shouldn't do because of this and that.

For sure, there are lots of problems ahead of us.  However, one can 
choose to see these as challenges and opportunities, not disabling 
problems.  We can always find reasons not to do something.  Doing it 
is harder because we must go against conventional wisdom.  However if 
we had accepted what sighted people said we could do, or not do, all 
along, we would still be in the dark ages, literally and figuratively.


At 08:32 AM 8/26/2010, you wrote:
>Hi Ray,
>I do think you make some good points, and I have thought of these 
>questions myself. I understand the underlying purpose of the 
>project, but there are a lot of problems to be worked out before it 
>is even remotely possible. I do think there are much more productive 
>things that we could be doing with the funds that are being put into 
>this project.
>I go back and forth on this issue. Mostly though, I wish the 
>organization were putting its money somewhere else.

                         David Andrews:  dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920

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