[Blindtlk] Common college degrees of employment for blind americans

Peter Wolfe sunspot005 at gmail.com
Sat May 29 23:45:28 UTC 2010

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To list:

   It's Peter again with another general question about blind
professionals. The last question was about the best city to be moving
to after college with a small family. Now, I've been wrestling with
this decision so I'd like you to really give me some serious feedback
about this matter. First off, I use a speech synthesizer, read
braille, use public transportation and have only a few really strong
points. My major hobbies are history, political science, computers and
programming, traveling, cooking, languages, etc.
    My major concern is in deciding what my final major is going to be
in the United States. My cities that I want to move are as follows:
Raleigh, North Carolina, Boston Massachusetts, St. Paul, Ninnesota,
Tallahasse, Florida, Bloomington, Indiania, Denver Colorado, Bolder,
Colorado, San Diego, California, Seattle, Washington, Portland,
Oregon, and or other places unforseen right now. Ultimately I want to
own a small house so the bigger cities are off in the long run. So, I
grapple with tthis issue of whether or not I can do it or not being
blind. I can't see print, mobility minor problems and such things such
as that. But the main thing is whether assistive technology, policies
and procedures can be done in a ever changing world in which we live
in. I would like to move in a place that has a catholic community of
several parishes in the area as I'm going to be going through RCIA
program in the future. Plus the strength of enduring through lots of
computer courses like one that I took that are terribly visual in
theme and job makeup. I'd appreciate any majors in the undergraduate
level like by a weeks time and no later. My current major is social
science/history education and the issue there is with the policies,
procedures, pay and benefits, independence, discipline, maps and
graphs for history and that is it. Unless you guys know of something
else that would help.


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