[Blindtlk] gross but what do I do?

Julie J julielj at windstream.net
Tue Sep 21 02:10:47 UTC 2010

To all of you who have prosthetic eyes,

How often do you clean them?  I just got mine last week and the Occularist 
wasn't very helpful.  He said that some people take it out daily for 
cleaning, while others only take it out for their yearly visit with the 

I don't have allergies.  I do spend a fair amount of time outdoors, where it 
is quite frequently windy and dusty. It does feel dry and scratchy 
sometimes.  I'm going to the eye doctor tomorrow, so I'll ask there, but if 
he's as helpful as the Occularist...well I think you guys might have better 
info. *smile*


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