[Blindtlk] Resolution that didn't pass about apple
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Mon Sep 5 19:30:38 UTC 2011
Joseph, I think things should have, and could
have been handled differently, and better, but on
the other side, Apple needs to get a thicker
skin. The more successful they are, the more
they will be criticized and questioned. They
can't have it both ways. They can't make all the
decisions and not expect any push back.
At 10:47 AM 9/5/2011, you wrote:
>I know several Apple employees personally. I
>cannot really say more, because Apple is a
>company full of secrets. ANY communication that
>does not happen through official channels is
>subject to employees losing their jobs. (Add
>that to the list of Apple as big brother.)
>There's no chance that we're going to lose the
>accessibility in Apple products, but the hostile
>relationship Peter Donahue and others want the
>NFB to have with Apple is now a fact of
>life. Apple will continue to work on
>accessibility, but at least those I've talked to
>don't have much love for the NFB for undermining
>and belittling their hard work. IMO, that's
>exactly what we did. Joseph On Sun, Sep 04, 2011
>at 09:10:18AM -0500, Ray Foret Jr
>wrote: >Say, How do you know for sure that the
>people at Apple are now unwilling to work with
>us? I fear we are really going down the wrong
>road now. My hope is that this situation is not
>irreparable. What I intend to do with this is
>write and open letter to Dr. Maurer about this
>and include many of the points we discussed
>here. Look, it seems to me that we can choose
>the more hostile relationship; in which case we
>stand a chance of loosing what accessibility to
>Apple we already have; or, we can choose to try
>to repair what we can and build a positive
>relationship and get working together on
>this. IF we let Anger be the driving force
>behind what we do, we will destroy all the good
>work we've done so far. I see us changing; and,
>frankly, I do not like it. It seems to me that
>we're running the risk of loosing something very
>valuable as an organization. I'm afraid that if
>we keep this up, we'll have happen to us what
>Dr. Jernigan warned us about in his banquet
>speech in 1997. > >What are we becoming when we
>let this happen to us? > > >Sincerely, >The
>Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! > >Now a very proud
>and happy Mac user!!! > >Skype
>name: >barefootedray > >Facebook: >facebook.com/r
>ay.foretjr.1 > > > >On Sep 4, 2011, at 8:00 AM,
>T. Joseph Carter wrote: > >> I can tell you that
>people in Apple's accessibility department have
>reacted negatively enough to BOTH of the
>resolutions that they are not the least bit
>inclined to work with us in the future. >> >> I
>believe the exact words, at least those I'm
>willing to quote here on the mailing list, were
>that the NFB can go to hell. I won't say where
>this individual said we could stick our
>resolutions. >> >> Corporate policy remains 100%
>accessibility, but we have alienated Apple who
>is trying to do the right thing while we suck up
>to Google for their continued bad
>behavior. >> >> The resolutions were both seen
>at Apple, and they've already had an impact on
>Apple's willingness to work with us to further
>improve accessibility. Just
not the impact
>anyone but Freedom Scientific was hoping
>for. >> >> But Apple is evil, so it doesn't
>matter. And Google is awesome, so who cares if
>they do anything
>accessibly? Right? Right? >> >>
>Joseph >> >> >> On Sat, Sep 03, 2011 at
>06:17:46PM -0500, Ray Foret Jr wrote: >>> But,
>Peter, I ask you. Would you be forever in a war
>camp mode? Just think of the resolution
>concerning Google and the ones concerning
>Apple. Why the disparity? A fair question I
>think. >>> >>> >>> Sincerely, >>> The Constantly
>Barefooted Ray!!! >>> >>> Now a very proud and
>happy Mac user!!! >>> >>> Skype name: >>>
>barefootedray >>> >>> Facebook: >>>
>facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1 >>> >>> >>> >>> On
>Sep 3, 2011, at 3:48 PM, Peter Donahue
>wrote: >>> >>>> Hello Ray and
>everyone, >>>> >>>> The wording was fine. It's
>the "Let's be grateful" attitude that makes
>folks >>>> feel otherwise. >>>> >>>> Peter
>Donahue >>>> >>>> >>>> ----- Original Message
>----- >>>> From: "Ray Foret Jr"
><rforetjr at att.net> >>>> To: "Blind Talk Mailing
>List" <blindtlk at nfbnet.org> >>>> Sent: Saturday,
>September 03, 2011 3:23 PM >>>> Subject: Re:
>[Blindtlk] Resolution that didn't pass about
>apple >>>> >>>> >>>> Not with me Peter. We need
>to strongly encourage people, not bitch at
>them. >>>> We need to change the wording of the
>resolution so that it has the desired >>>>
>effect without being bitchy about it. There are
>times we need to use a >>>> hammer, and other
>times, a feather will do just as well. So, we
>commend >>>> Google for trying to be accessible
>but bitch at Apple even though they are >>>>
>more accessible than Google? Tell me, is it
>because Google paid us money, >>>> (being a
>sponsor of our convention) and Apple
>didn't? What kind of outfit >>>> are we when we
>stoop to that level? >>>> >>>> Sorry for the
>language, but, that's the way it
>is. >>>> >>>> >>>> Sincerely, >>>> The
>Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! >>>> >>>> Now a
>very proud and happy Mac user!!! >>>> >>>> Skype
>name: >>>> barefootedray >>>> >>>>
>Facebook: >>>>
>facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>
>On Sep 3, 2011, at 2:58 PM, Peter Donahue
>wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hello Cheryl and
>everyone, >>>>> >>>>> The wording was fine with
>me. >>>>> >>>>> Peter Donahue >>>>> >>>>> -----
>Original Message ----- >>>>> From: "cheryl
>echevarria" <cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com> >>>>>
>To: "Blind Talk Mailing List"
><blindtlk at nfbnet.org> >>>>> Sent: Saturday,
>September 03, 2011 12:25 PM >>>>> Subject: Re:
>[Blindtlk] Resolution that didn't pass about
>apple >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> The issue was the
>wording of the Resolution, if I remember
>correctly, that >>>>> it was to harsh, and for
>it to pass that we all had to agree on the >>>>>
>wording. >>>>> >>>>> it has nothing to do with
>the Resolution as a whole, but the wording
>of >>>>> the >>>>> resolution couldn't be
>passed, it can be brought to the floor of >>>>>
>convention >>>>> next year, to be voted on
>again >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Leading the Way in
>Independent Travel! >>>>> >>>>> Cheryl
>Echevarria >>>>>
>http://www.echevarriatravel.com >>>>>
>631-456-5394 >>>>>
>reservations at echevarriatravel.com >>>>> >>>>>
>Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with
>Superior Travel, located in >>>>> Baldwin, NY.
>www.superiortravel.com >>>>> >>>>> Affiliated as
>an Independent Contractor with Absolute Cruise &
>Travel, >>>>> Inc. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> -----
>Original Message ----- >>>>> From: "cheryl
>echevarria" <cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com> >>>>>
>To: "Blind Talk Mailing List"
><blindtlk at nfbnet.org> >>>>> Sent: Saturday,
>September 03, 2011 12:58 PM >>>>> Subject:
>[Blindtlk] Resolution that didn't pass about
>apple >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> Well maybe people on
>this list that voted against it elaborate as to
>why >>>>>> they voted against
>it. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Leading the Way in
>Independent Travel! >>>>>> >>>>>> Cheryl
>Echevarria >>>>>>
>http://www.echevarriatravel.com >>>>>>
>631-456-5394 >>>>>>
>reservations at echevarriatravel.com >>>>>> >>>>>>
>Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with
>Superior Travel, located in >>>>>> Baldwin, NY.
>www.superiortravel.com >>>>>> >>>>>> Affiliated
>as an Independent Contractor with Absolute
>Cruise & Travel, >>>>>>
>Inc. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> ----- Original Message
>----- >>>>>> From: "Ray Foret Jr"
><rforetjr at att.net> >>>>>> To: "Blind Talk
>Mailing List" <blindtlk at nfbnet.org> >>>>>> Sent:
>Friday, September 02, 2011 4:56 PM >>>>>>
>Subject: Re: [Blindtlk] [Bulk] Re: a great
>article >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>> Ah yes, I have a
>recording of the stream of that particular
>days' >>>>>>> events. I must say, that was quite
>an episode. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>Sincerely, >>>>>>> The Constantly Barefooted
>Ray!!! >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Now a very proud and
>happy Mac user!!! >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Skype
>name: >>>>>>> barefootedray >>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>Facebook: >>>>>>>
>facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>
> > >>>>>>> On Sep 2, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Marsha
>Drenth wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> An example of not
>all of us following like zombies, at the
>national >>>>>>>> convention. A resolution about
>apple. Don't quite remember the >>>>>>>>
>wordage, but >>>>>>>> it did not pass. More than
>half of the floor voted against it. If
>you >>>>>>>> were >>>>>>>> at the convention you
>would know what I am talking
>about. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I was one of the many
>who voted against the resolution. I didn't
>think >>>>>>>> it >>>>>>>> was fair, and not
>something the NFB needed to make an resolution
>for. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Others are welcome to
>chime in here... >>>>>>>>
>Marsha >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -----Original
>Message----- >>>>>>>> From:
>blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org
>[mailto:blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org] >>>>>>>>
>On >>>>>>>> Behalf Of Bryan Schulz >>>>>>>>
>Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 10:19
>PM >>>>>>>> To: Blind Talk Mailing List >>>>>>>>
>Subject: Re: [Blindtlk] a great
>article >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> hi, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>no point in rehashing the lost funds as they
>have been forgiven in the >>>>>>>>
>midwest. >>>>>>>> i was the only one to push the
>issue and was blasted for it. it's >>>>>>>>
>things >>>>>>>> like that which make the nfb
>taste bitter. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Not all of us
>just follow in line like
>zombies. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I'd like to see more
>examples of that. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Bryan
>Schulz >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> ----- Original Message
>----- >>>>>>>> From: "Marsha Drenth"
><marsha.drenth at gmail.com> >>>>>>>> To: "'Blind
>Talk Mailing List'"
><blindtlk at nfbnet.org> >>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday,
>September 01, 2011 8:14 PM >>>>>>>> Subject: Re:
>[Blindtlk] a great
>article >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> This thread
>is very tiring, very frustrating and gets us no
>where. So >>>>>>>>> if >>>>>>>>> us >>>>>>>>>
>NFB members never ask the tough questions, and
>look the other way. >>>>>>>>> What >>>>>>>>>
>was >>>>>>>>> the illegal behavior your speaking
>of? I am pretty sure if there was >>>>>>>>>
>any >>>>>>>>> illegal behavior, we just as much
>any other person would ask the >>>>>>>>>
>"tough" >>>>>>>>> questions. Not all of us just
>follow in line like zombies. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>If your so anti-NFB, why do you hang out here.
>Your welcome to leave >>>>>>>>> any >>>>>>>>>
>time. We would rather you go away. So our list
>can go back to being >>>>>>>>> constructive and
>productive. Oh wait that is right, we are all
>lyres, >>>>>>>>> we >>>>>>>>> allow illegal
>behavior, and follow like zombies. You can think
>what >>>>>>>>> you >>>>>>>>> want. But this
>skirting around subjects does nothing. We are
>not >>>>>>>>> going to >>>>>>>>> change our
>minds about what we think. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>Marsha >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>-----Original Message----- >>>>>>>>> From:
>blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org >>>>>>>>>
>[mailto:blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
>On >>>>>>>>> Behalf Of Bryan Schulz >>>>>>>>>
>Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 7:07
>PM >>>>>>>>> To: Blind Talk Mailing
>List >>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Blindtlk] a great
>article >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>hi, >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> no, i'm not accusing
>anyone, the event already happened. >>>>>>>>>
>the point is don't ask tough questions unless
>you have thick skin. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Bryan
>Schulz >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> ----- Original
>Message ----- >>>>>>>>> From: "T. Joseph Carter"
><carter.tjoseph at gmail.com> >>>>>>>>> To: "Blind
>Talk Mailing List"
><blindtlk at nfbnet.org> >>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday,
>September 01, 2011 5:49 PM >>>>>>>>> Subject:
>Re: [Blindtlk] a great
>article >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I see, my
>mistake. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> You aren't taking
>pot shots at the ACB without facts to back it
>up. >>>>>>>>>> You >>>>>>>>>> are taking pot
>shots at the NFB without
>facts. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> It takes a lot of
>guts to come into an organization and
>start >>>>>>>>>> accusing >>>>>>>>>>
>its >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> members of vaguely
>illegal activities without offering any
>specifics >>>>>>>>>> or >>>>>>>>>>
>evidence. But I'm sure doing so will get you
>all the consideration >>>>>>>>>>
>you're >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>due. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> And with that, I
>think I'm about finished with the
>discussion. >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Joseph -
>KF7QZC >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> On Thu,
>Sep 01, 2011 at 05:36:54PM -0500, Bryan Schulz
>wrote: >>>>>>>>>>> hi, >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>no, i'm not talking about the acb but the point
>still applies. >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Bryan
>Schulz >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original
>Message ----- From: "T. Joseph
>Carter" >>>>>>>>>>>
><carter.tjoseph at gmail.com> >>>>>>>>>>> To:
>"Blind Talk Mailing List"
><blindtlk at nfbnet.org> >>>>>>>>>>> Sent:
>Thursday, September 01, 2011 5:09 PM >>>>>>>>>>>
>Subject: Re: [Blindtlk] a great
>article >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> I
>suggest if that helps you maximize your
>involvement with and >>>>>>>>>>>>
>benefit >>>>>>>>>>>> from an organization, you
>find another
>organization. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps
>though, we don't want to go down this road, or
>at least >>>>>>>>>>>> not in >>>>>>>>>>>> this
>fashion. The ACB has in the past allowed its
>members to make >>>>>>>>>>>> baseless,
>unsupported, and uncontested claims of illegal
>behavior >>>>>>>>>>>> by the >>>>>>>>>>>>
>NFB. It was rather off-putting, and I'd have
>thought so even if I >>>>>>>>>>>>
>were >>>>>>>>>>>> not a Federationist! Indeed,
>it seems always to be so, in any >>>>>>>>>>>>
>organization, whether or not I have any
>affiliation with
>anybody. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> If there's
>something new and recent that needs to be
>discussed >>>>>>>>>>>> regarding >>>>>>>>>>>>
>the ACB, we should probably do it, but in a new
>thread with the >>>>>>>>>>>>
>relevant >>>>>>>>>>>> details. If it's a rehash
>of old wrongdoings by former
>officers, >>>>>>>>>>>> I >>>>>>>>>>>>
>don't >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> know how useful it
>would be to debate today. It's like
>discussing >>>>>>>>>>>> a >>>>>>>>>>>>
>questionable action taken by Janet Reno while
>she worked for Bill >>>>>>>>>>>> Clinton. Anyone
>personally affected would find it relevant,
>but >>>>>>>>>>>> society >>>>>>>>>>>> as a whole
>wouldn't be interested
>today. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Sometimes the
>bad guys get away with it. Usually when the
>good >>>>>>>>>>>> guys >>>>>>>>>>>> don't stand
>up to them until its too late. But that takes
>me off >>>>>>>>>>>> on my >>>>>>>>>>>> own
>tangent. >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Joseph -
>KF7QZC >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> On
>Thu, Sep 01, 2011 at 03:53:02PM -0500, Bryan
>Schulz wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>
>hi, >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> there should be
>at least one more. >>>>>>>>>>>>> #16. Don't ask
>tough questions even when a member does
>something >>>>>>>>>>>>> questionable and
>probably illegal. >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
>Bryan Schulz >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> -----
>Original Message ----- From: "Chris
>Nusbaum" >>>>>>>>>>>>>
><dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com> >>>>>>>>>>>>> To:
>"NABS list" <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>; "Blind Talk
>list" >>>>>>>>>>>>> <blindtlk at nfbnet.org>; "Gary
><gary.legates at comcast.net> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent:
>Thursday, September 01, 2011 3:02
>PM >>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [Blindtlk] a great
>article >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> > Hi everyone, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> As
>I try to learn more about both organizations, I
>have >>>>>>>>>>>>>> subscribed to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>both the Braille Monitor and the Braille
>Forum. The Monitor, as >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>you >>>>>>>>>>>>>> know, is the Federation
>(NFB's) publication and the Forum
>is >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Council (or
>ACB's) publication. I found a great article
>in >>>>>>>>>>>>>> July's >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forum
>entitled "Fifteen Ways to Maximize your ACB
>Membership," >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>giving >>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifteen tips on how to
>take advantage of all ACB (or any >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>organization, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> for that matter)
>has to offer. I think this could also apply
>to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Federation
>and to NABS or any other special-interest
>division, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>some good advice. To be accurate, I added "or
>NFB" in >>>>>>>>>>>>>> parentheses
>to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> some parts of the article. I
>have pasted the article below. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>Any >>>>>>>>>>>>>> thoughts on this? I promise
>I'm not trying to force the ACB
>down >>>>>>>>>>>>>> your >>>>>>>>>>>>>> throats;
>in fact, I'm a Federationist in nature, but want
>to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> learn >>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>both. Here is the
>article. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 15 WAYS
>MEMBERSHIP >>>>>>>>>>>>>> by Kenneth Semien
>Sr. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> All too often, people join
>organizations without taking >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>advantage of the opportunity to truly know
>intricate details of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>its >>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>mission, and operating practices. This can very
>well result in >>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>lack >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>participation and could ultimately result in a
>decision to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>forfeit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> what >>>>>>>>>>>>>> could
>have been the ideal vehicle to enhance your
>life, build >>>>>>>>>>>>>> great >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>relationships and effectively share personal
>skills and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> abilities
>that >>>>>>>>>>>>>> can >>>>>>>>>>>>>> make an
>enormous difference. In an effort to encourage
>you to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> explore >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> meaningful efforts of ACB, I
>have included the tips listed
>below >>>>>>>>>>>>>> to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>assist >>>>>>>>>>>>>> you in being all you can
>be and help you join with others
>whose >>>>>>>>>>>>>> skills >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>complement yours. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Be
>inquisitive and don't hesitate to ask
>questions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Become familiar
>with the history, mission, and purpose
>by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> reviewing it often enough to
>be able to repeat it to
>others. In >>>>>>>>>>>>>> turn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>someone may realize that this is the
>organization they have been >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>looking >>>>>>>>>>>>>> for. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>3. Make a personal commitment to identify ways
>to get involved. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Find out who
>the officers are and become acquainted
>with >>>>>>>>>>>>>> them and their roles and
>responsibilities, as well as
>members >>>>>>>>>>>>>> you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>observe >>>>>>>>>>>>>> actively participating in
>events and projects associated
>with >>>>>>>>>>>>>> our >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>organization. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5. Make your
>skills and abilities known to leaders of
>your >>>>>>>>>>>>>> chapter, affiliate, or the
>president of our organization. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>6. Make every effort to participate in chapter,
>state affiliate >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and national
>meetings, seminars, conferences and
>conventions. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7. Inquire about
>available committees you may be able to
>serve >>>>>>>>>>>>>> on to assist the
>organization in achieving its goals
>and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> objectives. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>Seek >>>>>>>>>>>>>> to join committees that
>allow you to utilize your skills
>and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> abilities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>in >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the most effective and
>efficient manner. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8. If you have
>access to the Internet, sign up for
>up-to-date >>>>>>>>>>>>>> news and announcements
>from all levels of our
>organization. Ask >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>a >>>>>>>>>>>>>> president >>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>member to tell you how to take advantage of this
>option. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9. Listen to or read
>publications/newsletters distributed
>by >>>>>>>>>>>>>> our >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>organization on all levels. This is one of the
>best ways to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> learn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>about >>>>>>>>>>>>>> useful resources, access
>inspirational stories,
>scholarships, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>awards, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>upcoming projects and events. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>10. Identify special-interest groups that meet
>your personal >>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs. These
>groups provide you the opportunity to network
>with >>>>>>>>>>>>>> others >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>sharing common interests, such as your prior or
>current >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>occupation, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>hobbies, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> health concerns and so
>much more. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11. Obtain your own
>copy of the constitution and bylaws
>to >>>>>>>>>>>>>> learn >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the
>agreed-upon operating practices and procedures
>of our >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>organization. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12. Prepare for
>future involvement as an officer by
>becoming >>>>>>>>>>>>>> familiar with officer
>titles and duties. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>13. Participate in conference calls to build
>your knowledge, >>>>>>>>>>>>>> such as
>membership focus calls, periodic Office Hours
>conference >>>>>>>>>>>>>> calls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>with >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ACB president, committee
>calls, and special-interest group >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>calls. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 14. Explore the web sites
>of your chapter, state affiliate
>and >>>>>>>>>>>>>> our national
>organization. You may locate information on
>the >>>>>>>>>>>>>> web site >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>that >>>>>>>>>>>>>> you didn't think of
>inquiring about. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 15. Pay your
>annual dues faithfully and encourage others to
>do >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>more you know and the more you become involved,
>the more you >>>>>>>>>>>>>> will begin to know
>that you have joined a phenomenal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>organization that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>is >>>>>>>>>>>>>> continuing to grow. Have a
>great ACB (or NFB)
>adventure! >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chris
>Nusbaum >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> "The real
>problem of blindness is not the
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