[Blindtlk] quick Voice Over question

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Mon Dec 31 23:11:11 UTC 2012

Hello all!

I'm wondering if there is a way to turn Voice Over off and on without 
going into the settings?  Over Christmas I was playing games with 
sighted family members on my iPad.  We were passing it back and forth, 
working on a single puzzle among the whole group.  It was fun, but 
turning VO off so they could use it more easily and then back on for me 
was a pain.

I know how to turn the speech off with a three finger double tap, but 
that only mutes the sound.  The gestures are still the same as with VO 
turned on.  I thought I read somewhere that you could press the home 
button three times quickly to turn VO off and on, but that doesn't seem 
to work. I've  tried looking on the Apple site and the Applevis site 
with no luck.

I'd be forever grateful for any help,

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