[Blindtlk] Chapters in Philadelphia and New York?

David Bouchard davidb521 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 11:03:19 UTC 2012

Hello. I'm going to be visiting Philadelphia and New York City during my
Spring Break in order to look at universities in those two places to
transfer to. I was wondering when the chapters in those two cities meet,
because if I'm in the area, I thought I would attend one, schedule
permitting. Also, while I'm on the subject of Philly and New York, do any of
you go to school there? I'm looking at Temple University in Philly, and the
City Universities of New York system in Manhattan and Brooklyn. What are
your experiences living in those cities? How do you find the environment to
be, the transportation, (I'm thinking more of Philly and SEPTA when I ask
that particular question), etc.? In essence, what are your overall
impressions of these cities? I'm just trying to get an overall idea, and I
thought it would be a good idea to get some opinions from some of my fellow
Federationists. Thank you very much!

David Bouchard

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