[Blindtlk] Extreme photophobia/blindness only in light?

Rene Harrell rjharrell at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 13:09:04 UTC 2012

Hi all!

I have recently become friends with a woman whose husband has a medical
condition that essentially makes him extremely photophobic. He gets
debilitating, crippling migraine pain and becomes completely blind/loses
all vision when he is exposed to light of varying intensity, but especially
direct sunlight. He stays inside all day long. If he has to go somewhere
during the day, his wife needs to drive, and he sits in the back with the
tinted window wearing a sleep mask. At night, he can drive and use his
vision outdoors. He can also use his vision inside with all the curtains
drawn etc. etc. to block out outside light, but he's in chronic pain from
the constant sources of light that break through.

Currently, he is unable to work or leave his house during the day. He takes
care of their two children while his wife works, but they can't ever leave
the house during the day to even hang out and play in the yard, and I think
it's starting to wear on them all. While he is not legally blind,
functionally he is in a lot of respects. His quality of life is suffering
significantly and they're going this alone. I asked if they would be
willing to let me reach out and see if I could connect them with some
people and resources, and they said yes. So, I wanted to reach out here and
see if anyone has a similar light sensitivity issue that would be willing
to connect with him? I really think he could use a mentor that could start
encouraging him to think in nonvisual ways/techniques that could help him
think outside the box and enhance his quality of life, and by extension the
quality of life for his whole family.

Is there anyone on here that would be willing to share their contact
information with me to give to him?

Thanks so much!
Rene--- Mom to five wonderkids, including Miss Clare age 10, Retinopathy of

" I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up
where I needed to be."
-- Douglas Adams

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