[Blindtlk] Reader Services Update For Work

Nicholas robertson.nicholas at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 10 12:28:40 UTC 2013

I am finally getting the process started to obtain a reader at work, but it continues to appear to me that the powers that be on a local level continue to worry about who's right and wrong.  I received an email yesterday, that indicated that I've gotten to this point because I was patient and worked the problem out with my supervisor instead of my network.  I'm excited that my colleague and I are finally getting the ball rolling in terms of services.  However, how are we supposed to educate when the general public is so worried about a chain of command that dictates who's right and who's wrong.  They still don't understand a reader, but know how to play the political game.  So, I am still left with the question, where would this process be if I had not contacted my network?  I guess we'll never know.  Maybe I should be satisfied with the tiny victories, but I feel like the blind have lost another battle in terms of educating.  Maybe I am too impatient, and want immediate results

Nicholas S. Robertson, MBA
Phone: 641.660.2475
Email: robertson.nicholas at hotmail.com
            nicholas.robertson2 at va.gov


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