[Blindtlk] drivers, social lives, school and rehab
Judy Jones
jtj1 at cableone.net
Sat Dec 14 00:08:09 UTC 2013
I loved staying at home with our girls when we were raising them, but I find
that "stay-at-home" mom is an oxymoron, since you are rarely staying
anywhere, making sure they get to all their activities when they're younger,
then attending activities when they're older. Hahaha!
-----Original Message-----
From: Mari Hunziker
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 8:34 PM
To: Blind Talk Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Blindtlk] drivers, social lives, school and rehab
Thank you all so much. It has been a very difficult and a very stressful
situation for me and anyone for that matter to be in. I wonder if its worth
it. I have been a stay-at-home-mom for 9 years now. I have always wanted a
career. But when I found myself struggling to survive due to complications
of the delivery of my son's birth. It took me over 2 years for me to
recover. I was in and out of the hospital for an entire year due to a blood
condition they discovered after I hemorrhaged. It was incredible. I
survived and my son is doing great. I was also blessed with a second child,
a daughter who just started Kindergarten. I love being involved with their
lives and so I have chosen Education as my career in order for me to
contribute to my household income, society. and be at home with my kids
during their holidays. Having children and trying to work or finish school
seems impossible and extremely complicated especially for those of us who
must rely on someone else for transportation, after-school childcare and
all of the other logistics that are involved in the education of a blind
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 8:16 AM, Hyde, David W. (ESC) <
david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us> wrote:
> I changed my subject line to reflect where our thread on drivers has gone,
> and what I'm hoping to address. First, Desiree, if you want to take
> classes, please do not let a rehab counselor discourage you. The IPE is a
> negotiated document. Put what you want in there. It is not unreasonable to
> pay for transportation. Rehab does it all the time. They can help with
> your
> tuition and books as well. If you are not comfortable talking with them,
> get someone to go with you. I am sure that your state president can help.
> I
> think that he is Jim Atanachi.
> Social Life. We all have one, and so should you. Your parents have one
> too. Some people I know who are home bound for whatever reason use social
> media. Start by deciding what you want to do, and then work on resources
> to
> do it. I am sure that you have a lot to offer others.
> Drivers. We've covered this very well. Your choices will only expand with
> your social network, both electronic and personal.
> Hang in there. I can remember when people like Judy Jones was younger and
> shy. She has a lot of good ideas. Keep posting, keep trying, and try new
> things. Oh, before I forget, if nothing else, take some classes through
> Hadley. They don't cost anything, and it's always fun to learn new things.
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*"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
Philippians 4:13Have A Blessed Day!Mari Hunziker *
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