[Blindtlk] in the emey's camp?

Ray Foret Jr rforetjr at att.net
Sun May 12 04:58:12 UTC 2013

Okay.  I really would like to have the groups opinion upon the below.  It's a set of remarks I wrote while responding to episode 46 of the "how to be blind" podcast.  The members of the so-called round table were very critical of the NFB and were so without getting their facs straight.  I found that very offensive and responded as you see below.

"With respect to all, I have to take fairly serious issue with the criticism leveled against the NFB in number 46.  I am myself a member of the NFB.  While I do agree that the NFB response was-at least in tone-not quite what it ought to have been, their points were valid.  Sadly, it would appear that many on episode 46 criticize the NFB without really being aware of exactly who we are.  Let me just address one small point.  We do not hate Guide dogs.  This was never true of us in the past:  and, especially now.  Better facts are available to you;  however, you did not take the time to better inform yourself.  That kind of deliberate ignorance is inexcusable.  Instead of feeding off what negativity you heard from others, you really ought to have acquired the facts before you drew false conclusions.  To speak frankly, it seems to me that too many of you delight in criticizing the NFB without getting your facts straight.  The reason for preference of cane use at the Louisiana center for the blind-for example-is to better the mobility skills of the student.  This is a good thing; for, as I understand it, many guide dog schools will not take a student who lacks proficiency in cane use.  Now, of course, the NFB is not perfect:  however, given my choice, I would rather the NFB because they come closest to what I personally believe a blind person should aspire to.  What really bothers me is not the fact that you were critical of the NFB:  rather, what bothers me is that you were bashing the NFB in deliberate ignorance of the facts which is totally inexcusable.  With respect to the NFB position on the amazon Kindle, they do have many good points to make about both what is good and not so good about it.  Furthermore, I posit that the moral obligation that Amazon has to complete their accessibility is much greater now than it had been before this start.  
Has the NFB been wrong before?  Frankly, yes, they have been.  I remember the June article of 2009 Braille Monitor in which they were sharply critical of the Mac and Voice OVer.  I felt (as many others did) that the article was hastily written and did a poor service to individuals considering the Mac.  I felt this from having read many messages from blind Mac users who were having success with their units.  Many Mac users-justifiably-criticized the NFB for their poor research and badly written article.  IN December of 2009, a correction was issued.  I thought it was a fairly decent correction myself:  but,  many who had criticized the NFB so rightfully before did not give them credit for retracting publicly that which they got wrong.  Instead, they piled on more and more criticism.  It seems to me that many (indeed too many) Mac users are too quick to criticize the NFB for the sake of being hateful and critical-almost like an inferiority complex which causes them to put others down who are not exactly like themselves.  I don't play stupid games like that.  Nor should you.  There are devoted Mac users who are also members of the NFB.  You need to take that in to due consideration before you go off attacking like what you did.  Get your facts about us straight.  Let me say one final thing.  I am not saying this because the NFB asked me to.  I'm not saying this because the NFB offered to pay me.  I am saying this because it's how I really feel about the situation.  IF I am the "enemy" well, damn it, so be it:  but,  you really do need to consider how childish that really sounds!!"  
Sent from my mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind built-in!
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

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