[Blindtlk] Fwd: NASCIO Issues Guidance for State CIOs on IT Accessibility

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Mon Aug 3 01:13:47 UTC 2015

>For immediate release: July 30, 2015
>Contact: <mailto:MPenning at NASCIO.org>Meghan Penning
>NASCIO Issues Guidance for State CIOs on IT Accessibility
>LEXINGTON, Ky., Thursday, July 30, 2015 — To 
>mark the 25th annivversary of the signing of the 
>Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the 
>National Association of State Chief Information 
>Officers (NASCIO) today released a brief on 
>accessibility in information technology (IT) 
>procurement. This is the first brief in a 
>two-part publication on accessibility in 
>procurement. Part II, to be released in August, 
>will include states in practice and adoption information for states.
>This initial brief introduces a new, 
>policy-driven approach to information and 
>communications technology accessibility for 
>state CIOs, procurement organizations, and 
>vendors. Policy-Driven Adoption for 
>Accessibility (PDAA) can help strategically 
>drive a culture of accessibility, generating 
>accessible products and services. The benefits 
>of using PDAA tools include improving 
>marketability and reducing risk to both vendors 
>and procurement organizations by addressing 
>inclusiveness and equal opportunity in the digital age.
>“States have laws in place that apply to 
>accessibility, but have often struggled to 
>address accessibility requirements as part of IT 
>procurements. State CIOs, working alongside 
>state procurement officials, have a real 
>opportunity to change the current accessibility 
>landscape to better benefit the citizens they 
>serve,” said Doug Robinson, NASCIO executive director.
>NASCIO has long advocated for a broad 
>interpretation of enterprise architecture and a 
>governance model with a connection to business 
>processes and a roadmap that informs both the 
>state’s procurement of IT and the supplier 
>community. This approach will inform the 
>marketplace regarding the state’s policy 
>intentions, guide investments, and reduce potential risks of poor outcomes.
>Read the brief at <http://www.nascio.org/PDAA>www.NASCIO.org/PDAA.
>Gregg Vanderheiden
><mailto:gregg at raisingthefloor.org>gregg at raisingthefloor.org

         David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail:  dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org

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