[Blindtlk] A horrible experience at K-Mart

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Thu Jul 16 20:44:34 UTC 2015

Charlotte, this is Eric.  Don't give up on fighting for your rights.  You
must be owed an immediate apology!  Dan is the rude one, not you.  Please
give me the name of the Kmart's store, and his supervisor, and his phone
number, and I will fight  with and for you.

Eric: eric at pmpmail.com; 323-875-6396, via phone or text

You are not alone!  I demand Dan be fired at once.

A Very Upset Eric Calhoun

P.S.  Is this store in MN?

Eric from Los Angeles reminds you to remember to try to be good to each
other.  eric at pmpmail.com; also on Facebook.

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