[Blindtlk] ADA Question

Brandon A. Olivares programmer2188 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 02:54:40 UTC 2015

Hello all,

I have a question about the ADA. I’m trying to go for a certification in NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) in October. It’s basically a counseling technique for helping people to overcome limiting beliefs, phobias and the like.

When I told them I was totally blind, they said it would be “highly unlikely” I could qualify for the certification, since all training exercises have to be completed, and some are visual. I told them, according to my knowledge, that to deny me the an equal opportunity to this certification just because of my disability would violate the ADA. They seemed to back-pedal a bit, and he said he’d ask his managers and that he understands I want to do this etc.

Is there anything they can do? Am I right that this would violate the ADA? He seemed to be quite uncertain about the whole thing.

Your help would be appreciated.


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