[Blindtlk] BARD

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat May 23 04:16:10 UTC 2015

You are right, the wifi in the 2nd generation Stream is useful.  I 
have gotten addicted to podcasts.  I can get the Presidential Release 
and other nfb publications that way.  You can get NFB Newsline via 
wifi, and much more, like BARD.  You can also stream radio stations, 
and if you are reading a book, and come across an unfamiliar word, or 
reference to an event you want to know more about, just pop over to 
wikipedia and look it up.  It is great!


At 10:47 AM 5/22/2015, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>   Ok, before I say this, let me preface this with a note that I am 
> not trying to sell anyone on anything... I just was really excited 
> when I experienced this and thought I would share. I have been 
> using a VR Stream New Generation now for about two years. When I 
> first got mine, either I did not yet have my wifi connected to the 
> stream when I got my authorization key from BARD or they were not 
> yet sending them strait to the stream.
>  My Stream recently gave out on me from way too frequent use:) and 
> I just got my new stream yesterday (hurray I can keep feeding my 
> book addiction:)).
>    Anyway, last night I went to Learning Ally and had to manually 
> do the entire key download, unzip, and Stream processing. This 
> afternoon, BARD finally sent me my approval and I finally had the 
> chance to try doing it right from the stream. It was the most 
> amazingly easy process. The only things I had to do were to turn 
> the Stream on, wait for it to pick up my wifi connection, and in 
> the online bookshelf menu select the check for updates. Within 
> moments, it was accurately allowing me to read.
>   Like I said, I am not trying to sell anyone on anything, I was 
> just really excited as I am an avid stream user and serious BARD fan.
>   Since I know there are a lot of BARD/Stream users here, in case 
> you had not  yet done it right from the stream, I also thought this 
> message might help out since the instructions from BARD made it 
> sound like the Stream would simply recognize the key as soon as it 
> was online. So it is not necessarily obvious that you will actually 
> need to go to the menues.
>Happy Friday all!
>Dr. Christine M. Szostak
>Assistant Professor of Psychology
>Department of Social Sciences
>Shorter University
>Rome, Georgia
>szostak.1 at osu.edu<mailto:szostak.1 at osu.edu>
>cszostak at shorter.edu

         David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail:  dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org

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