[Blindtlk] The Braille Labeler and the Wilson Digital voice recorder

Danielle Ledet singingmywayin at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 15:54:23 UTC 2015

Hello Friends,

Can someone tell me how to use the cutter on the Braille labeler? It's
the regular one like 3M used to manufacture I got it from the
Independence Market and I can't remember how to cut the tape? Also, I
bought a Wilson Voice Recorder but can't figure how to use it.
Surprisingly, it came with no instructions, or at least no Braille
instruction. Yes I searched for it but the Instructions I found were
in PDF format, and I couldn't read them. After translating, Adobe
Acrobat said nothing when moving around with the Reading keys (i.e,
the arrows and Say All). Help! I could call there but thought surely
some of you had these small appliances and could save me a possible
frustrating empty call.


Email: singingmywayin at gmail.com

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