[Blindtlk] Dear all,

Carly Mihalakis carlymih at comcast.net
Wed Sep 28 21:37:11 UTC 2016

Afternoon, Jewel,

         I don't know anything about your question but I wanted to 
remind you of cultural sensitivity, that is, not every culture 
embraces school as the only way. Some blind people are perfectly 
content to engage in which ever passtime their particular  culture 
accepts, be it piano tuning, broom making, massage or living with 
their folks and begging. To me, it's about autonomy and the right to 
decide. Yes, if the people desire to have their life experiences to 
be framed in academia, then more power to you. But remember cultural 
norms and patterns as you proceed.
If you feel like it, keep us posted.
408-209-3239/18/2014, Jewel via blindtlk wrote:
>Dear all,
>I am working on a long term project to bring hope to the students at 
>a school in Makassar, Indonesia. Because of this and my plans to 
>help other schools for the blind, I want to set up a 504c3 or a non 
>profit called Unseen Hope. Is there anyone knowledgeable about this? 
>I could really use some help.
>Sent from my iPhone
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