[Blindtlk] Please Advise Me Regarding this Textbook Situation

Vejas Vasiliauskas alpineimagination at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 06:43:06 UTC 2017

Hi All,
My Spanish hard copy textbooks finally arrived last week. I have the chapters I need, but  there are some, for future chapters, that have not yet arrived. 
DSS ordered the textbooks and obviously do not know where they are, it's not their class so not their responsibility. My school's system for sorting out mail is also very poor, which potentially means that the book might be there.  DSS has expressed their constant frustration of this system, but again, are powerless to change it.
What do you all think I can do to see where my textbooks are?
My thoughts are to first contact the company and see if these books have been shipped out, because there is a possibility they may not have been. Then I could see if the books have a tracking number. My next course of action would be to conntact the mail center at school and see if these arrived, although they do seem very disorganized.
What do you all think? Is this the course of action you would take? If not, what would you do?

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