[Blindtlk] Pack made type system with QRWTY keyboard

Bernadetta bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Thu Mar 2 04:04:46 UTC 2017

Hi there.
Nope, these things are still being made, sold, and are very much 
relevant today. Hims just said that a U2 firmware update is in the 
works for later this year. This is the Braille Sense u2 qwerty we're 
talking about here--that's the exact name for the product line. and 
although Hims just unvailed their upcoming android device, they 
publicly announced that they are not abandoning the older U2 products.
By the way, I happen to have one of these qwerty units. I absolutely 
love mine, and I think it's the best product out there for those of us 
who prefer the qwerty interface with Braille. As a self-proclaimed 
Braille tech junkie, I'm just itching to get my hands on one of the 
latest sleek little android units, but if I'm honest, I'm probably 
going to stick to my u2 qwerty because of that particular keyboard 
interface. Also, it's worth noting that the software on the u2 qwerty 
is not totally comparable to the latest available in mainstream 
software, but it is pretty darn current still. If you're friend is 
coming from a PacMate perspective, this would be a very pleasant and 
definite upgrade for him. I'd be happy to share what I know if necessary.

All Best,

Bernadetta P

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