[Blindtlk] How do I explain?

Mari Hunziker marihunziker at gmail.com
Tue Nov 28 21:44:59 UTC 2017

Howdy friends,

I’m a working mom for the first time in 13 years. For the past year I’ve been working full-time. It’s been so difficult to manage and arrange after-school care, transportation to and from work every day, along with all the other responsibilities I still have as a mom like making sure my kids are doing their homework, attending their church activities, eating, sleeping and that I’m involved and supportive. So much has changed. I used to be the Vice President of my children’s PTO and HOA. Now I feel like I’m barely hanging on sometimes. My heart is breaking and I’m so torn at times of what to do. I was accused of micromanaging my family by a friend that honestly has no clue what I go through. Any suggestions, recommendations on how to explain that it just takes more work to make arrangements for my kids and myself. How do I explain?

Thank y’all so much,
Mari Hunziker 
Sent from my iPhone 

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