[BlindTlk] Please help.FW: [blind-bst] Braille Writer Repair

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 29 18:42:52 UTC 2018

See below.

Judy Jones

-----Original Message-----
From: blind-bst at groups.io [mailto:blind-bst at groups.io] On Behalf Of John's
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2018 11:33 AM
To: blind-bst at groups.io
Subject: [blind-bst] Braille Writer Repair

For quite a few years Mr. Allan Ackley has repaired Perkins Braille Writers.
For the past few months no-one has heard from him.  Some of his customers
have contacted me to see if I could learn anything about where he is or what
might have happened to him.  Apparently people have sent him machines for
servicing and they have not heard from him nor have they received their
machines.  any information that might help will be greatly appreciated.  If
you can forward this to other lists that might be able to help would be
greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

John Harden
Quality Brailler Repair
For professional Perkins Braille Writer repair.
jharden01 at cfl.rr.com <mailto:jharden01 at cfl.rr.com>

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