[BlindTlk] A great cleaning and organizing site.

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 14:58:09 UTC 2019

For Humberto,


Another thing I used to do when raising our girls, I kept a file box with
tabs from numbers 1 to 31.  I had a file card for vacumming  I would place
in front of, say the number 7, so that on April 7, I knew to vacuum, and I
would then switch the vacuum card to the number 10 card, because I wanted to
vacuum three days from April 7.  I tried to vacuum every three days then
because we had two guide dogs in the house and pets, too.  But it was a
great way to keep on top of chores, when your life gets busy with other
things.  I didn't always follow it, but at least it was a guideline to keep
me on task.


So, I had cards for dusting, once a week, laundry to check every day because
we had kids, and other daily and weekly chores that got filed in front of
their respective days.  There were also monthly reminders, and bi-weekly


Now, these things can go in an electronic calendar with reminders popping up
when scheduled.


And, with the internet, there is a site called fly lady.com, with lots of
ideas for cleaning and organizing.  Here it is.




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