[BlindTlk] Yappy hour from the National Association of Guide Dog Users

Raul Gallegos rgallegos at nagdu.org
Sat Aug 22 16:55:02 UTC 2020

hello everyone. I would like to invite you to the nagdu yappy hour which 
takes place every two weeks at 3 p.m. eastern time. That calculates to 12 
noon Pacific, 1 p.m. mountain time, and 2 p.m. Central Time. The meeting 
will take place later today and every other Saturday. We meet on zoom and 
the ID is 632-632-5800. the purpose of this meeting is to socialize in an 
unofficial environment. Although many of the topics discussed are guide dog 
user related, it is not strictly enforced. The only thing that we ask is 
that everyone respects each other. Hope to see you guys there.

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