[BlindTlk] A question about IRS

CHELA Robles cdrobles693 at gmail.com
Mon May 17 19:04:47 UTC 2021

Hello everybody I have a question about the IRS and refund statuses.
I filed for my tax return on April 5 successfully I got my state money for the state of California and I’m still waiting for my tax return and I was told to go to the app IRS2Go which I did and I keep checking back and I’m getting a little worried about this because I keep getting the following message and I’m not sure what to do about it other than keep checking back nervously.
Here’s the message I get after entering the necessary information they need:

Your tax return is still being processed.  A refund date will be provided when available.  
What are your thoughts and suggestions, If any?

Sent from my iPhone

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