[BlindTlk] Welcome to Episode 42 of Blind Android Users Podcast.

Austin Pinto austinpinto.xaviers at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 13:23:34 UTC 2021

Hi all, welcome to episode 42 of Blind Android Users Podcast.
In this episode we talk about.
We now have an area in which every1 can write articles for Blind
Android Users Podcast, so create your account and start writing.
We also have a forum in which you can discuss all topics android, so
let’s discuss.
on listener requests, you can now download all episodes of Blind
Android Users Podcast.
please go to
and if you are interested, fill in the rsvp forms for our November and
December special events,
we then talk about music players, mainly local music players, and demo
omnia music player, poweramp music player, and for demos on shuttle
and GoneMAD music players checkout our Youtube playlist at.
we have the next commentary screen reader episode in which Mariamm
talks about CSR problem with battery management and how to backup and
restore your settings.
We have a demo of Speech Central.
And finally in our talkback highlites we show you how to create
folders and add items to it.
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Blindandroidusers+subscribe at groups.io
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visit our Youtube channel for more content and subscribe.

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