[BlindTlk] question about Using Amazon Lockers Accessibly

Humberto Avila humberto_avila.it104 at outlook.com
Sun Dec 3 22:22:59 UTC 2023

Dear All,

I hope you are doing well. I haven't written for a while, and I also see 
this list has gone a bit dorment.

However, at the fear of waking up everybody's email clients I must ask 
this question. My apartment complex property system where I currently 
reside in, uses Amazon lockers for distribution of shipments for 
residents. So if I wanted to receive a package or gift from Amazon, I 
would have to open it up by interfacing with an Amazon locker. I 
personally have NO experience with this, and I know from what I 
understand these are completely inaccessible touch screen systems! Yikes!

My question is then, 1, what has your experiences been with these 
systems, 2, how do you get around with the inaccessibility, and 3, what 
accessibility settings exist through the Amazon web portal or the locker 
kiosk itself so I can input my PIN or whatever is that I need to input 
or however is that I need to access whatever I receive through Amazon?

Thanks much for your useful help in advance!



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