[BlindTlk] board slate problem

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Fri Mar 29 14:25:31 UTC 2024

I have a 41 cell 4 line board slate.  Unfortunately the top clamp lost the
pin on the left side and I'd like to get that replaced.  So far as I can
tell, these are no longer on the market and my brailler is on its way to
the braillery for repair.
My guess is a local machine shop could get this done for me and
inexpensively, but I'd like to be sure about that.

 Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com>
 "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo.
 Please use in that order."
 Ed Howdershelt 1940.

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