[Blindvet-talk] Veterans Report: Millions in VA Bonuses Questioned, Discounts for Ve...

PresidentNABV at aol.com PresidentNABV at aol.com
Sat Aug 29 21:58:11 UTC 2009

From: Military.com  [mailto:newsltr at miltnews.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 10:59  PM
To: president at nabv.org
Subject: Veterans Report:  Millions in VA Bonuses Questioned, Discounts for 
Veterans and More  

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--------------------------------  24 AUGUST  
·  _Millions  in VA Bonuses Questioned _ 
·  _Deal  of the Week: Discounts for Veterans_ 
·  _Which  College Gives You Credit for Service_ 
·  _College  Basketball's Top 10 Coaching Scandals_ 
·  _Training  for Home Inspections_ 
·  _7-Eleven  Offers Franchise Opportunities_ 
·  _Featured  Job: Security Clearances Wanted_ 
·  _Bonus  Program in Massachusetts_ 
·  _Grants  for Philadelphia Cemetery_ 
·  _Patients  Given Incorrect Dosages_ 
·  _Florida  Patient to Sue VA _ 
·  _VFW  Collects Wheelchairs_ 
·  _Veteran  Summer Sports Clinic_ 
·  _Minnesota  Pioneers Program_ 
·  _Print  and Post This Week's Veterans Report_ 
·  _Headline  Military News_ 

**A Note from  our Sponsor** 

_Join  the American Legion_ 
Uphold the Code Of Honor with fellow  wartime veterans and active-duty 
military --- _Join  The American Legion_ 
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strategic partner  of Military.com.  

Millions  in VA Bonuses Questioned 
Outside the Veterans Affairs  Department, severely wounded veterans have 
faced financial hardship  waiting for their first disability payment. Inside, 
money has been  flowing in the form of $24 million in bonuses. _More_ 

Deal of the Week: Discounts for Veterans
The  Military.com discount center has thousands of exclusive discounts and  
coupons perfect for summer. _More_ 

Which College Gives You Credit for Service
Your  service in the military may have earned you up to a full semester of  
college credit. _More_ 

**A Note from  our Sponsor** 

_Attention  Veteran_ 
You may have more than $49,000 in education benefits  to pay for a college 
degree or professional certificate. Plus, your  military service and 
training may have earned you college credit. Take  fewer classes and _get  your 
education now_ 
0e5bf4343) . 

College  Basketball's Top 10 Coaching Scandals
There was a time when any  college basketball coach would have been honored 
to earn a mention in  the company of Jim Harrick, Jim O'Brien or Kelvin 
Sampson... This is not  one of those times. _More_ 

Training for Home Inspections
The American Home  Inspectors Training Institute has put together a special 
training  package designed to provide military personnel with everything 
needed to  operate their own business. _More_ 

7-Eleven Offers Franchise Opportunities
7-Eleven, Inc.  wants to make it a little easier for veterans to reach the 
American  dream of owning one's own business. _More_ 

Featured Job: Security Clearances Wanted
Did you know  when leaving the military, you can re-activate your clearance 
for up to  24 months without having to start the process over again? _More_ 

Bonus Program in Massachusetts
Up to one-third of  eligible veterans in Massachusetts have not 
participated in a state  program that provides as much as $1,000 to military personnel 
returning  from active duty. _More_ 

Grants for Philadelphia Cemetery
The Department of  Veterans Affairs (VA) awarded two contracts totaling 
$8.7 million to  prepare the new Washington Crossing National Cemetery near 
Philadelphia  for its first burials. _More_ 

Patients Given Incorrect Dosages
Six more cases have  been reported of cancer patients allegedly being given 
underdoses of  radiation at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in 
Philadelphia. _More_ 

Florida Patient to Sue VA 
A South Florida veteran who  claims he contracted HIV during an endoscopic 
colonoscopy at a Miami  Department of Veterans Affairs hospital says his 
attorneys have filed a  notice that he will sue the federal government. _More_ 

VFW Collects Wheelchairs
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post  5180 in Seale, Ala. is collecting electric 
wheelchair for disabled  veterans through its "Operation Dustoff" Program. 

Veteran Summer Sports Clinic
The Second National  Veterans Summer Sports Clinic will take place in San 
Diego on Sept.  20-25, 2009. _More_ 

Minnesota Pioneers Program
Because Minnesota is one of  only a handful of states that do not have an 
active military base, the  state pioneered programs to provide support for 
military families. _More_ 
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