[blparent] Wow this year has gone fast!

trishs slosser at metrocast.net
Sun Nov 2 16:17:13 UTC 2008

We just need to change the topic.  This one got put under 

> ----- Original Message -----
>From: Eric Calhoun <eric at pmpmail.com
>To: blparent at nfbnet.org
>Date sent: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 00:39:05 -0500
>Subject: [blparent] Wow this year has gone fast!

>O.K., ladies and gentlemen, new topic for blparent: the Holidays; 
and I
>will break it down into 2 categories: Christmas/New Years', and
>Thanksgiving.  I will ask questions relating to those Holidays, 
so that
>you, the members of this list, will let your fingers do the 
typing.  this

>What are you and your children, thankful for?

>As your children learn the true meaning of Christmas, what is the 
>you can pass onto your kids?

>As a New Year is upon us, what can you teach your children for 
>What lessons, as a blind parent, can you teach yourself, and your 

>Eric, wishing you Happy Holidays!
>Eric from Los Angeles:

>Look!  It's Holiday Time!

>Look at the calendar and put a little holiday in your heart!

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