[blparent] NBP-Announce: Kids' Book Club Selection: Llama Llama Red Pajama

Tony Grima agrima at nbp.org
Thu Dec 10 23:46:24 UTC 2009

December 2009 Book Club Selection
Llama Llama Red Pajama
by Anna Dewdney
Print/Braille edition, $16.99
In both contracted and uncontracted braille
Ages Baby-Preschool

"Llama, Llama red pajama
waiting, waiting for his mama.
Mama isn't coming yet.
Baby Llama starts to fret."

When Mama Llama shuts the light, the llama drama begins!

In this infectious rhyming read-aloud, Baby Llama-all tucked in and
kissed  after his bedtime story-watches his mama leave the room with a
worried  expression on his face. When he calls her and she does not come
back  immediately, he succumbs to a fit of wailing and weeping, finally
bringing  his panic-stricken mother at a full gallop. After her
reassurance that  "Mama Llama's always near, even if she's not right
here," Baby Llama  settles and drifts off to sleep.

With its sweet rendering of the trials of bedtime and separation
anxiety,  this book's familiar theme will be a hit with youngsters.

Young children will love the story's simple rhyme-and wait until you see
how much fun they have repeating "llama llama" and trying to get the
words  just right! This is one of the best selling books on Amazon right

"My 2 year old son loves this book. Every night I have to read this book
-  it replaced Goodnight Moon! It's like a light bulb went off about
Momma  being very busy because he now has a new brother, and now he
understands  that Mommy still loves her Llama Llama."
-M. Jenkins

To order or read more about this book online, visit

To order any books, send payment to:
NBP, 88 St. Stephen Street, Boston, MA 02115-4302
Or call and charge it: toll-free (800) 548-7323 or (617) 266-6160 ext
20.  Or order any of our books online at
http://www.nbp.org/ic/nbp/publications/index.html .

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