[blparent] fun stuff for boys

Veronica Smith madison_tewe at spinn.net
Sat Dec 12 05:54:52 UTC 2009

Don't fret, just enjoy the moments you have together.  Sometimes as parents,
we forget to have fun with the little things in life.  I, for one, do
exactly that.  Sometimes I'm too busy being the parent and forget to let go
and have a good time with my prescious little girl.  
We play toss the whatever all the time and sometimes I get hit right on the
forehead and sometimes it hurts and sometimes it's frustrating, but I always
remember to smile.  The things we toss around are always soft. We play hot
potato teddy or alligator.  I am totally blind and I always keep my eyes
closed.  It may not be safe throwing toys around, but we all laugh and it's
Last summer  we took a big rubber air filled ball over to my mom's house.
She had Parkinson's and we all started throwing the ball from one to another
and then to her.  Her arms barely worked and yet, she would push that big
ball to me or my daughter and sometimes it would hit me in the chest or chin
or somewhere else and then I would throw it back across the room.  Anyway,
the reason for this story was to say, we all were in tears, laughing and
creating memories that we will never forget.  My mom passed away this summer
and I am so glad we had that ball game. 
Anyway, just have the time of your life with that little boy, whether you
use balls with bells or just an old teddy bear.

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Allison (NFBA)
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 2:27 PM
To: NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] fun stuff for boys

Thanks all for suggestions.

Are the nurf balls still fun (and safe) for us to play with if they don't 
have bells in them?  Has anyone tried this?

I'll check out the discovery toys link.  Does anyone have specific 
suggestions in terms of discovery toys?  I feel a little overwhelmed by all 
the choices.  Also I need something fairly high action to hold the little 
guy's interest.  He's used to the fast-paced nature of World of Warcraft and

Wii games.  He's a smart kid though.  Grade level in reading and a grade 
ahead in math.

We do have Braille cards that we play Go Fish and War with.  He loves Go 
Fish.  We have Uno too but he gets bored quickly with that because the games

can run so long.  We also have the Freeze-up talking category game that he 
loved for like a week and now never looks at.  *sigh*.  This feels so 

Thanks again,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Veronica Smith" <madison_tewe at spinn.net>
To: "'NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List'" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 7:35 PM
Subject: [blparent] fun stuff for boys

>I was at Walmart today and scooping out the toy section and saw some really
> cool stuff that an 8 year old would love.
> Fur Real Friends had a dinosaur.  You put your hand or finger in its mough
> and it bites down on you and makes a sound like it is eating your hand.
> They also had dogs and cats, monkeys and other critters.
> They have Nerf balls and basketball rims and of course my absolute 
> favorite
> Hot Wheel sets.  These are all the things I love to play with, with Gab.
> You can be sighted or blind and have a great time with your imagination.
> Alison, you can also buy regular playing cars that are Braille and play
> games like Go Fish, Crazy Eights and of course War.
> V
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