[blparent] Deadline Coming for Writing Contest!

Robert Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sun Mar 1 16:20:26 UTC 2009

This is a notice for all you writers. I've asked that this message be 
placed in everyone's inbox, because writers can be found everywhere.

Respectfully yours, Robert Leslie Newman, NFB Writers' Division 
President  (See you in Braille)

NFB Writers' Division Writing contests For Both Youth And Adults

The Division wants to give you a heads-up. For all you writers, youth 
or adult, beware there is less than a month left before the deadline 
to submissions of poetry and/or fiction short stories for our annual 
writing contests. The opening date has come and gone, but  the 
closing date (Post Marked) of April 1st is coming soon.  See all 
requirements below:

Youth Writing Contest

The NFB Writers' Division is hosting a Youth Writing Contest to 
promote Braille literacy and excellence in creative writing. Entries 
will be judged on creativity and quality of Braille. We are looking 
for creative writing, in the form of fiction and poetry. There is no 
charge for entering.

This is a contest for students who use Braille. Entries must Be 
submitted in hand embossed Braille, either on a slate and stylus or 
on a Braille writer. No computer Braille entries will be considered. 
Submissions must be Brailled by the entrant. Elementary students 
(K-5) may submit contracted Braille, uncontracted Braille, or an 
acceptable combination of the two. Students in higher grades will be 
expected to submit stories or poetry in contracted Braille.

There are six categories, as follows: Elementary Fiction; Elementary 
Poetry; Middle School Fiction; Middle School Poetry; High School 
Fiction; High School Poetry. Elementary is K-5. Middle School is 6-8. 
High School is 9-12.

The contest began back on January first, and will end postmarked date 
April first. There will be three cash prizes for each of the six 
categories. First prize per contest is $25. Second prize is $15 and 
third prize is $5. Submissions for fiction may not exceed one 
thousand words. Poetry may not exceed twenty lines. Authors may 
submit multiple entries and all work must be original and unpublished.

Each entrant must provide an identical print copy for possible publication.

Entries must be accompanied by a cover sheet containing entrant's 
information: Name, address, phone, email, title of the entry, school 
and grade of entrant. Winners will be announced at our division 
meeting during the July 2009 NFB National convention held in Detroit, Michigan.

Send to Fred Wurtzel, 1212 N Foster, Lansing Michigan, 48912.

Adult Writing Contest

The NFB Writers' Division's writing contest for short fiction and 
poetry for adults has also been open since January 1st, and will also 
be closing Post Marked April 1st.    Prizes for adults are higher 
then for youth - Top prize for each contest is $100, second $50, and 
third $25. Winners of this contest will also be announced at our 
division meeting in Detroit.

Fiction: short stories can be up to 3,000 words and can be of any 
genre. All work must be original and previously unpublished. If you 
wish to submit- You are required to send a cover sheet with title of 
all entries, name, address, phone and email (if available). A second 
requirement , is please have your documents double spaced and if you 
are sending it hardcopy, it cannot be handwritten. The cost for 
submission of a single story is $5.00. You can send either a check or 
money order made out to the NFB Writers' Division.

You have two choices for submission: First is the traditional method 
of sending hardcopy and check, and if you do so, send it to Tom 
Stevens address- 1203 S. Fairview Road, Columbia MO 65203. The second 
method is to email your writing and cover letter to 
<mailto:cthls at earthlink.net>cthls at earthlink.net And for payment for 
electronic submissions check our web site and see if we have PayPal 
by then URL 
Or, if you need to snail-mail the check, use Tom's address in choice one.

Poetry: Entrants are invited to submit original poetry of up to 36 
lines. If you wish to submit- You are required to send a cover sheet 
with title of all entries, name, address, phone and email (if 
available). A second requirement , is please have your documents 
double spaced and if you are sending it hardcopy, it cannot be 
handwritten. The cost is $5.00 for up to 3 poems and you can send 
either a check or money order made out to the NFB Writers' Division.

You have two choices for submission: First is the traditional method 
of sending hardcopy and check, and if you do so, send it to Lori 
Stayer, 2704 Beach Drive, Merrick NY 11566.

The second method is to email your writing and cover letter to 
<mailto:LoriStay at aol.com>LoriStay at aol.com And for payment for 
electronic submissions check our web site and see if we have PayPal 
by then URL 
Or, if you need to snail-mail the check, use Lori's address in choice one.

President NFB Writers' Division
Robert Leslie Newman
Email- newmanrl at cox.net
Division Website-

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