[blparent] Fw: Planning for Parents Seminar

Deborah Kent Stein dkent5817 at worldnet.att.net
Thu Nov 12 03:06:51 UTC 2009

National Federation of the Blind of IL is having a planning meeting
 regarding our upcoming seminar for parents of blind children.   It is on 
11/15.  The
 meeting is at 6:00 central time.  We will call into 712 580 7700 and use
 code "parent".  ALL are welcome.  Whether or not you live in Illinois, 
please come share your ideas.
  P.S.  National Federation of the Blind of Illinois is now on twitter at
 We also have a facebook page.  Just search for our full name.

 Patti Gregory-Chang
 President, National Federation of the Blind of Illinois
 pattichang at att.net

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