[blparent] Braille Readers are Leaders with Joe Ruffalo

Quintina M. Singleton qmsingleton at comcast.net
Mon Nov 16 22:19:32 UTC 2009

Please tune in to the next Thruoureyes with Joe Ruffalo internet 
radio program scheduled for this coming Wednesday November 18 at 
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = 
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />8:00 PM EST.  The 
evening will be dedicated to the Braille Readers are Leaders contest. 
Jernigan Institute Education Programs Specialist, Natalee Shaheen 
will discuss how you can become a participant in this exciting 
competition on either a K-12 or adult level.  Mr. Ruffalo will also 
be speaking with grammar school student Kendra, who is a vetran in 
the contest, as well as her proud mother.   If you would like to 
listen to the program via telephone, please call 1-605-475-6333, access code:


To access the show online visit www.thruoureyes.org/jaws.html

The call in number for anyone

interested in asking a question is 1-888-572-0141.

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