[blparent] Changing a Troubling Habit

Jo Elizabeth Pinto jopinto at pcdesk.net
Thu Nov 19 20:56:33 UTC 2009

I've been coming up against a situation that is troubling me a little, and I'm looking for some feedback.  I guess I need to know whether I'm overreacting, and there's nothing to be worried about, or if there is something to be concerned about and what I ought to do.

Sarah is almost 21 months old now, and I stay at home with her.  She holds my hand when we leave the house, and I've also got one of those animal backpack harnesses for her.  But around the house, she's taken to running away from me when it's time for me to change her diaper or put her to bed and she isn't interested in doing those things.  I know that's normal toddler behavior, so I don't take it personally.  But I also know there's no way I can chase her and catch up with her, so I don't want to set that up as a pattern.  I just stay in one place and call her, keeping the mood light, and she usually comes to me soon enough.  No big deal.

The problem is, her dad and some sighted friends have chased her and scooped her up, and a couple of times I've heard them say stuff like, "Well, I can see, so I don't have to wait for you to come to me," or "It's hard to get away from someone who can see you, isn't it?"

My worry is, will this start establishing the idea in Sarah's mind that Mom can't see, so she can't keep up, or she can't do what needs doing?  I don't think anybody has meant to be harmful or thoughtless, but wouldn't it be better to have everybody following the no chasing rule?  If so, is there a practical, realistic way to break the chasing habit in other caregivers, or at least stop the comments?

Thanks for thinking about this with me.

Jo Elizabeth

Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters.--African Proverb

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