[blparent] New Member Intro

Leslie Hamric lhamric930 at comcast.net
Mon Nov 23 16:09:13 UTC 2009

Hi Rhonda.  I wanted to introduce myself as well. I'm Leslie Hamric and am
expecting a baby boy in March of 2010.  He's my first.  I've been on this
list for a while now and love it.  It's full of lots of good ideas and
information.  My husband is sighted.  He's really looking forward to being a
dad.  Anyway, that's it for now. Have fun on the list and feel free to jump
in with comments, questions, or concerns. Take care.

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Rhonda Scott
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 7:41 AM
To: NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] New Member Intro

Thanks for the welcomes, everyone.

Deven is 10. It's very challenging for me more times than not to be patient,

try to think from a different perspective rather than my own. In general, 
being a child now is much different from being a child when I was. But then 
we have added emotional stress, and Deven has his challenges as well. I feel

embarrassed to admit that sometimes it's hard for me to think of getting 
close to him because of some of the things he does that are very destructive

to other people's property, and to his room. But all that may not be meant 
to discuss here.

I'm glad nothing is considered obvious though, because I'm sure some of what

I ask will seem pretty simple when I find the answers.

1 of the first things I would like to start engaging in with Deven is to 
make us some flash cards with multiplication tables. I'm guessing I will 
need a sighted person to do the print for me.

In terms of print/braille books, I'm thinking it might be easiest for me to 
have the same books Deven has. It really is hard to keep his attention, and 
I think if he has his own print only copy, and I have my own braille copy, 
even a copy that includes the print, it might be easier to get him to read 
his copy without getting distracted by looking over my shoulder, trying to 
distract us from our task by talking about the braille he's seeing, or if I 
can't read along with him, he will tend to skip words, or make up his own 
words so he doesn't have to read what's there.

Well, I need more coffee now. I'm just pretty pumped up to find a place to 
learn some things.


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