[blparent] About nursing/feeding your baby and car seats

Karla Hudson HudsonKC at msu.edu
Sun Feb 21 20:36:39 UTC 2010

Hi group, 

Vanessa asked about nursing positions and nursing in public. I used a
nursing pillow for my daughter as my arms would get tired when she was an
infant. Also, would recommend reading the "Womanly art of Breastfeeding" as
it is filled with info about this topic. As far as nursing in public I used
nursing shirts and nursing bras along with blankets. I loved my nursing
shirts as often people had no clue and thought my daughter was just asleep.
You will find nursing shirts at most maternity stores. Often waiting to get
home to feed your baby is not an option. When they are first born you nurse
them so much you really need to be prepared to nurse all over the house and
if you are out changing rooms at stores and bathrooms become your next
choice. I really thought I would have trouble nursing in public but it
became second nature especially when I had my second child. 

As far as feeding your child solids. Well, this can get messy. However, it
is messy for sighted people as well. They want to move their heads lots.
Some say to sit behind them while they are in their chair and stick food in
their mouth. As they get older you can thicken foods with Rice cereal to
make it less messy. 

As far as the car seat question that is going on here. I vote for the
sit-n-stroll. I used the device with both children. Yes, it does not pull
well backwards that is for sure. I wouldn't suggest you do this with most
strollers as their wheels are not designed for such a motion. Yes, if you
have a larger baby like my son it does take some upper body strength to get
the wheels out while they are still in the seat. However, the motion is
quick and the child remains in the seat which is great. I would remind you
if you do not have kids yet that you become less mobile when they are very
small. They need time to rest and sleep and pretty much your life will never
look like it did before you had your baby. However, parenthood brings an
entire new element of fun. 


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