[blparent] games for Allison

Jan Wright jan.wrightfamily5 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 19:53:42 UTC 2010

Hi Allison,
there is a tactile chess, if you two want to venture into the world of chess together.
Checkers is also tactile and i think that "beyond sight,' has some toys and game selections.
APH also has some products that would be useful.
I wonder if you can get those braille wordsearch puzzles from the independence market and then also get the print or large print copy so that 
you both can do them together.

I am not sure if they even make "oh, Henry," anymore.
But, the Braille super store
(sorry I don't know the website off the top of my head and I have switched computers too many times to have the address in my favorites)
has some tactile games and puzzles.
There are always games like Jenga and perfection that blind and sighted people can play.
If you play something like "catch phrase," or the "seen it," games, you usually need to be on teams, so your blindness is not much of a factor.
I do believe that the geoworld games can be played by blind and/or sighted.
We have a globe and the question is read aloud and you have to choose a button.
the only thing is that the globe is not tactile, so if you, as a blind person don't know ...
for example:
"whether Berma is in the Indian Ocean," you will just have to guess. You can't look on the globe.
There are also many computer games, if you want to go that route.


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