[blparent] Recent controversy.

Joy Wolf joy at kevinlwolf.net
Mon Nov 15 02:57:29 UTC 2010

Hi everyone:


I just wanted to let everyone know that after writing this message I will be
unsubscribing from this list.  I have found some wonderful information here,
and met and reconnected with some amazing people.  Unfortunately, this
latest string of out-of-hand conflicts is the third since I joined this
list.  I joined this list to learn, share information, make new friends,
etc.  I absolutely did not join to be subjected to arguments that should
have been taken off list a long time before they got so out-of-hand.  As a
point of reference, I am on about 20 different e-mail lists, and have been
on two that I unsubscribed from due to similar circumstances.  So, I don't
get easily offended and unsubscribe at the drop of a hat.  However, the
truth is, I have two young active children, a very busy lifestyle, and to be
very honest I simply don't have the time or the desire to sift through and
determine which messages are legitimate and which are childish
disagreements.  I'm sorry if I offended anyone, as that's truly not my
intention.  Also, if anyone would like to stay in touch off list, please
don't hesitate to do so.  I can be emailed at  joy at kevinlwolf.net  and would
be so happy if any of you wishes to stay in contact.  I hope those of you
who get caught up in these arguments will take a moment and think before you
continue to do so.  I formerly managed a group of volunteers for a national
crisis-line,where we used primarily email for communication,  and I know how
easy it can be to mis-interpret things when the only means of communication,
or the main means of succh communication, is email.  People say things we
don't agree with, or they say things that may be taken wrong, or sometimes,
yes, they say things to stir up trouble.  I ask everyone to think about
whether getting involved in the petty little things is really worth it? Is
that what's really important in life? If you ask me, and nobody did, lol,
what is important is loving our families, being kind and supportive to one
another, and letting things go when taking offense would just mean a huge
argument with no real resolution.  Just my thoughts, for what they're worth.
Everyone take care.


Joy and family

Foster volunteer

Intake evaluator

Siamese Cat Rescue Center


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