[blparent] a new school

Veronica Smith madison_tewe at spinn.net
Thu Aug 18 23:11:04 UTC 2011

Most peeps don't get the idea of how texting works, but the problem comes in
the texting packages.  Some companies give you unlimited texting for almost
nothing, well others give you a set amount for a set amount and still others
charge you by the character or by the text, in coming and out.  
If you give a newby a phone and allow them to text, it is a must to lay down
the rules and show them the bill.  Before we added texting to my plan, I'd
pay for each text whether it went out or came in.  You can rack up lots of
charges that way.  I now pay $5 for 750 a month and that is plenty for me. V

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 11:43 AM
To: 'NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [blparent] a new school

In fairness, I'm not sure how many people who don't text really grasp it.
You only get 160 charactors and that includes spaces. Depending on your
phone, you may or may not see the conversation thread so you get some
"What's?" and things like that when you get lost in a conversation. All that
adds up in terms of volume 

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Sheila Leigland
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 11:48 PM
To: NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] a new school

That is for sure my neece texted an ran up a bill because her mother didn't
tell her how the charges would work so she switched to unlimitted texsting I
felt badly for the child because she didn't know and that wasn't her fault.

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