[blparent] home schooling

Brandy W branlw at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 14 01:22:43 UTC 2011

Check out My Father's world they have been absolutely wonderful in sending 
electronic copies, working with publishers to send us the text and all sorts 
of wonderful things. You just have to buy the books like anyone else. We 
also get a lot from Bard, book share, NLS and others.


"When we treat children's play as seriously as it deserves, we are helping 
them feel the joy that's to be found in the creative spirit. It's the things 
we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in 
our lives."
- Fred Rogers

Brandy Wojcik
Discovery Toys Educational Consultant and Team Leader
(512) 689-5045

Looking for team members nation wide!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shannan Zinck" <shannanzinck at gmail.com>
To: <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:33 PM
Subject: [blparent] home schooling

> While it is true that there is a lot of "religious" stuff out there there
> is also a good bit of neutral curriculium. I am a Christian so will be
> going with a bible based curriculum but, I can see the difficulty of
> finding a curriculum that has no basis for faith based teaching and it is
> true that the bulk of homeschoolers are "religious" in some way. From what
> I can see it's almost impossible to find material when you are blind. I'm
> legally blind and my husband is totally and our son is sighted so this
> should prove interesting for us. LOL. Montesury is a type of learning 
> style
> that is based on the childs interests. for instance if your child loves
> puppys then the lessons will have something to do with puppies to keep her
> interest. I looked into it for my son because we thought it might be good
> for him but, it's expensive here in Canada it's $10,000 a year. Not sure
> about the US. but, can't see it being much different. IMO any group based
> school seems to have major draw backs. If you homeschool the you have the
> advantage of one on one learning and focused attention from the grown up
> working with them. Also the hours are much shorter, average of 4 hours a
> day 5 days a week for grades 3 and up and less for younger grades 
> providing
> you don't have a procrastinator for a kid. LOL. No homework so once they
> are done they are done for the day. For some group learning is great but,
> we have to admit for many it's very hard. Most of the people I know either
> barley made it through public school, dropped out, or had to finish a
> different way. I wish I could give you some leads but, because I'm using a
> bible based program I didn't have far to search. Montesury is a fabulus
> style of learning from what I have read and to be honest if I could afford
> it I'd consider it. Myles thrives on group activity but, he'll have to get
> that in other ways. We started playing around with preschool in the last 3
> months or so and he loves it. He's going to be 3 in January, He gets good
> job stickers that he puts on a wall for effort so he really enjoys that.
> Preschool to Kindergarten is only 5 to 15 minutes of work a day and grade 
> 1
> is only an hour. average that is. Hope you find what you're looking for.
> Shannan Zinck
> Survival is letting GOD take over
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