[blparent] progesterone to prevent preterm labor

Angie Matney angie.matney at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 18:00:20 UTC 2011

Hi Jan,

I don't have any direct experience with this, but I wanted to suggest
that if you haven't posted this on the "35+ Moms and Moms-to-be" board
on www.whattoexpect.com, that might be a good resource for you. (You
could also post on the board dedicated to the month you are due, but I
find that in general, the discourse on the 35+ board tends to be a bit
more substantive and helpful.)

Good luck with finding a resolution to this situation. I wouldn't
relish the prospect of weekly appointments so early either.


Angie (due in 13 days!)

On 6/27/11, jan wright <jan.wrightfamily5 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Parents,
> i have asked this question on many preg boards, but have really gotten
> no good answer, so maybe someone has an answer here.
> Here is the situation.
> when i got pregnant, I chose the hospital that I wanted to birth at, first.
> this hospital staff has a reputation of being more supportive to
> nonmedicated births and they even have a tub for water births. I am
> trying for a midwife because I want personalized nonrushed care. But,
> for insurance purposes, I have to use one that is connected with the
> core group of doctors that work at the hospital.
> that means that 1. I might not have the same midwife when i go into
> delivery -- and 2. there is usually only one midwife connected to each
> clinic and if there is more than one, I don't get to choose.
> I am trying to be flexible and have already worked out a birth plan
> that I hope others will follow.
>  it is what it is and i can't change it.
> I have had a history (granted, it was a while ago) of preterm births.
> three out of my four previous children were born early -- from 32 to
> 36 weeks.
> One, the next to the last, was actually born on time.
> Anyway, the midwife (confirmed by a ob/gyn) wants to put me on
> progesterone from week 16 to week36 of my pregnancy.
> I won't take meds unless necessary, but feel that pogesterone
> probably is necessary.
> I ask if I can take the suppositories, - they would be easier than the
> shot. and, they are the same strength. They say: (with hesitation)
> that hospital policy says that I should take the shots.
> shots are more expensive for the same strength: but we have the same
> amount of copay from insurance.
> that doesn't mean that I want to rack up bills for insurance, though.
> then, they say that I must come to the office every week so that
> "they" can give me the shot.
> this seems unacceptable to me.
>  I realize that they deal with lots of medicade patients and they kind
> of treat them like children. ... ... scolding them if they are not
> eating propperly, manditory drug screening and HIV test (ching ching),
>  extra tests and doctor's visits (who cares, Medicade will pay anyway
> and they probably have nothing better to do) and epidurals/C.
> sections, etc.
> Please, i am not judging anyone who "wants" any of these things, or
> has to have them.
> But, it should be the choice of the client.
> I have given blood several times, I am absolutely positive (no pun
> intended) that I don't have HIV and don't want them to charge my
> insurance for the test.      But, I had to decline five times before
> they took me seriously.
> So, i know that the doc office is not opposed  to "making money" at
> anyone's expense. And, I know that the staff works with many people
> who might not be right ontop of their  prenatal care.
> Yet, i think that asking us to come to the doc's office every week
> from week16 to 36 (and then I'll have to come every week anyway) is
> rediculous.
> So my questions:
> 1. has anyone taken progesterone to prevent preterm births?
> 2. In what form did you take it? Have you had any experience with the
> other form? Did you have a choice? If so, what prompted you to take it
> in the form that you did?
> 3. if you had to take the shots, could you give them to your self or
> have someone in your household give them to you -- or did the doctor
> mandate that you come to his/her office every week to receive them?
> 4. If you had to go to the office, did the doctor give a valid reason
> that I am just not aware of?
> thanks for any help!!!!!!!
> Jan
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