[blparent] info on a situation from the single parents, the rest of you way in to.
Kate McEachern
kflsouth at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 14:53:46 UTC 2012
I could do this with a cheep pair just for the bus. Thanks for the tip.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gabe Vega" <theblindtech at gmail.com>
To: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [blparent] info on a situation from the single parents,the rest
of you way in to.
> if you pull on the end of the ear bud a little hard eventually the
> internal wires will come away from each other and sound will stop coming
> out of that ear bud. but, unfortunately you just ruined a good par of
> stereo ear buds. :-)
> Gabe Vega - Sent from my Apple Mac Mini
> Hit me up Voice/Text: (623) 565-9357
> Email: theblindtech at gmail.com
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/blindtech
> FaceBook: http://facebook.com/blindtech
> Website: http://thebt.net
> On Apr 5, 2012, at 5:41 PM, Kate McEachern wrote:
>> OK, I had one of those days where all was well till comming home on the
>> bus.
>> Ash walks to the library to get help with reading and writing
>> diffaculties. So this women I know got on the bus behind me and starting
>> complaning about how tired she is being a single parent. Now I
>> understand being a single parent myself but she said something that sort
>> of pushed my buttens and it was one of those things that I did my best at
>> staying calm but did say something and am hoping I didn't come across
>> bitchy.
>> The woman went on about how she was now living with her parents, thats
>> fine, and because I was playing on my I-phone, she was asking how much my
>> plan was and went in to telling me all about how she wanted to save money
>> to get a place of her own and didn't want an expensive phone.
>> Then she made the comment. "I'm not like you, I don't get money from my
>> kid's Dad to help me." Now, I took care of my kid's dad for two years
>> before having to place him in a home and now make shore his disability
>> pays for it. I get a bit of Disability under him for the two girls and
>> it covers daycare for the baby and a few light bills. And I know that
>> because she is saving money to move her parents have alowed her to stay
>> rent free even though she works. So my reply at first was "well, I have
>> rent and child care and other bills that are more then what I get from
>> their Dad. And, I don't have people who can help that often." I paused
>> for a moment and continued, "I hope your able to get your own place
>> soon.". So of corce Ash calls me to let me know she's home. And this
>> woman heard part of the call and started in how it wasn't good to let
>> kids walk around. This anoyed me so I replied, "Well, she has to go some
>> where after school and there is no one to drive her. So she walks it
>> won't kill her." She starting asking if Ash had a bike and I egnored the
>> quetion and said my stop was comming up so I couldn't talk to her. She
>> shut up but I know I'll run into her again.
>> Now first off, I am not close to this woman and every time I run in to
>> her she tells me her life story. I thought about just sayihng "Look, I
>> realy don't want to hear all about your life, I'm listning for my stop."
>> Its just weard and would love to hear how to get away from this woman who
>> wants to tell me how crappy her X Husband is even though I could care
>> less. Its not like we're friends, and in a way, she's starting to creep
>> me out.
>> What are your thoughts.
>> Kate
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