[blparent] Unique Father's Day gift ideas

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 10 19:30:50 UTC 2012

Okay, I know there is still plenty of time, but I'm trying to think of
some special and unique gift ideas for Father's Day for my husband since
he will be a first-time dad. I welcome any ideas and in-put. I'm hoping
to think outside the box of the traditional and stereotypical gifts, and
I want something with a little bit of meaning behind it. I could use
some help.
In terms of price, if purchasing, I don't want to spend more than $100,
but preferably under $50 with new house and baby coming up. He is into
technology and pursuing his computer science masters right now. He's in
his early thirties, enjoys food and beer, books, movies, music. He's
from Iowa and likes college football especially his Hawkeyes. Ummm... is
funny, caring, generous... This is starting to sound like a dating ad,
Like I said, I'm hoping for something with a bit deeper sentiment than a
new gadget or membership to a beer club, and be creative, but I'm just
not quite sure. If anyone has thoughts, suggestions, ideas, please pass
them along. Thanks.
Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
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The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan

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