[blparent] child safe option for dog flee preventative

Kate McEachern kflsouth at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 02:43:32 UTC 2012

OK, where can I get this?  I'm going to look it up but if you know where to 
get it on the cheep please pass it on.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erin Rumer" <erinrumer at gmail.com>
To: "NFB blind parent listserv" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 9:59 PM
Subject: [blparent] child safe option for dog flee preventative

> Hello list,
> I just wanted to let those of you with guides or pets to know of a 
> wonderful
> non-topical option for a flee preventative so you don't have to worry 
> about
> you or your kids touching the topical chemicals of Frontline, Advantage or
> similar meds.  When I was pregnant with my son I was really worried about
> being around the topical meds on my dog so I enquired about this with my
> vet.  There is a pill flee preventative that the dog guide school I go to
> use to use in conjunction with the topical meds until they realized they
> were just double dosing the dogs and took the pill form out since the
> topical has a tick preventative agent in there as well.  Program is the 
> pill
> that I use and I simply throw it in my dogs food once a month along with 
> his
> heart guard.  It's a simple way to get that flee preventative in there
> without having to worry about my son touching the oil spot on  my dog 
> while
> it's drying.  I love not having to worry about touching that spot for my
> husband and I as well.  Now they just need to come out with a tick and 
> flee
> pill preventative and we'll be set.
> Erin
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