[blparent] nursing bras

jan wright jan.wrightfamily5 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 21:46:13 UTC 2012

I ordered from
I think it was called motherwear and I ordered the sports bra.
But, yes, my breasts keep popping out which is quite annoying... ...
and the way it unfastins, I can't use it to support the flanges while
My milk takes a long time to letdown, so I am exclusively pumping and
yes, it sucks. But, in my opinion, it is better than the alternative.
I have tried many electric pumps and (for breasts that are slow to
produce milk) I recommend the Ameda purely yours (if you don't wna t
the expense of renting a hospital pump which are all awesome). The
only thing that I didn't don't like about the ameda is:
1. it is made a bit cheaply. I already have to get new flanges b/c the
part that holds the bottle broke. And, the rubber stoppers (don't know
their name( that lead from the pump to the bottle continue to pop off
and I have to dry the entire unit and wait to pump -- or do one at a
time, if one is fitting on and one keeps popping off. I have tried
mixing and mataching, but it is not as easy as you think.
I'm going to pump as long as I can, but who knows how long it will be.
Hopefully, at least a year.... ... hopefully!
The Ameda flanges are quite expensive, also... and, if you are not a
regular 25cm size, you will need to purchase extras in your size,
I will admit that formula has gotten better over the years, but am
still commited to nursing.
Oh, and, you can still adequately bond with your baby if you co-sleep,
feed him almost exclusively, take time to snuggle and don't prop the
Just my opinion.

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