[blparent] Best strollers

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 23 18:56:21 UTC 2012


It's not that I fear people coming up and taking the child, it's just
convenient to have them facing you rather than away since I have to stop
and tactilely check them from time to time. Though I have had people
want to touch Penny, and this I don't like, it certainly can still
happen in a forward facing stroller. I am not afraid of my child being
kidnapped though, but forward-facing is nice when they get to the age
where they like to throw objects for no reason. When Penny went through
this phase, we bought some of those bundgey chords to secure items like
cups and toys to the stroller, but we still had to stop and walk around
the stroller from time to time. It's not a huge deal, but again, a
convenience factor.

I go several places on my own without Ross or others, so I am use to
having to do this alone. I also have had to take Penny on the bus, and
yes, we also are suppose to fold the stroller up while on the bus.
Usually the driver will assist if necessary, and though it's not easy,
it can be done even when the child is little. You just get the hang of
it and learn how to hold a baby and fold the stroller up. Some drivers
are nice and will allow the stroller to stay unfolded if the brakes are
locked especially if the bus is not full, but other drivers are
sticklers for the rules. You can practice a system at home for holding a
baby while folding a stroller up. Of course the easier to fold up, the
easier the entire transaction is, smile.

Again, we are leaning towards the jogging stroller regardless if having
a flip-handle or not, but want to get the thoughts of many before
purchasing one.

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Read my blog at:
"History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan

Message: 24
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 21:46:28 -0500
From: "Jennifer Jackson" <jennifersjackson at att.net>
To: "'Blind Parents Mailing List'" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [blparent] Best strollers
Message-ID: <215076.2675.qm at smtp105.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="US-ASCII"


Is the reason for not wanting the baby facing away from you a safety
one, or a comfort one because he will be facing backwards? How high is
the actual risk that someone will run up and get the baby out of the
safety harness and run away with him? Wouldn't someone this determined
also be willing to just shove you aside to do the same thing? Have you
ever heard of something like this happening? I am not trying to frighten
you, I am actually trying to point out that this is an almost
non-existent risk. How often will you be likely to be out with one of
you alone using the stroller alone? Only you can know what your comfort
level is with the actual risk factors involved here, but sometimes we do
need to rethink our worse case scenario thinking.

I was just about to hit send when this thought occurred to me. Perhaps
you could attach some kind of motion detector to the stroller that would
alert you if someone was reaching or leaning in. It would certainly be a
big surprise for those people who want to just reach in and tough the
baby, though I found those people to mostly be relatives and the like. I
think it would be especially funny if the alarm was a recorded cop like
voice that said "step away from the baby." I do think this sounds like
fun, but I am also serious because I know I worried about someone
reaching into the stroller when my little guys were in one with me too
as I am totally blind.

I think someone may have already mentioned this, but will you be able to
take the stroller on the bus? Our bus here requires that strollers be
folded up and placed in a seat with the baby removed. If you have a
similar requirement, how will you juggle the baby and folding the car
seat alone? I have no good answer here, I am the crazy woman who carried
her 40 plus pound three year old in a back pack or sling when he was to
tired to walk. :) My five year old weighs about that now and I am pretty
sure I was insane back then. :) Still, it was less stuff to haul around.

Unless you have good sidewalks and curb cuts, I think your little guy
will be a lot more comfortable in the jogging stroller. Be sure to order
the sun shade too. The UV protection is good even when the weather is
not that hot.

Those are my thoughts on the stroller issues anyway.


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