[blparent] Best strollers- carriers vs. strollers

Tammy tcl189 at rogers.com
Tue Apr 24 16:48:49 UTC 2012


I feel very much the same as you do, a carrier or stroller as well as what 
kind and what features it has is a very personal choice.  I use a couple of 
different carrriers, and a couple different kinds of strollers depending on 
what situation I'm in.  When I go out to the bus to get my son for example, 
I use the umbrella stroller because I know that it's a wide road and there 
aren't any cars that go down it, so I'm safe with the stroller beside me. 
But if I'm going on the bus it's easier to use the backpack or front pack 
because then I don't have to worry about folding a stroller.  If I'm walking 
I use the flip-it because it's good on sidewalks and I can pull it really 
easily, and if I'm going by car I use the sit n stroll because it's the 2 in 
1 so gives me both a stroller and carseat in one.  It's not so great to pull 
though but it works.  If I'm around the house I use my sling because it's 
easy to throw on and put the baby in if she's fussy or just wants to snuggle 
and I need to get things done.  I never use it out and never use it for long 
periods because it starts to hurt after a bit of use, no matter what the 
pros say about how wearing it this way or that way doesn't hurt.  I've never 
tried a wrap although I thought about it.  but I just never thought one 
would be practical in my situation.  I've heard good things about them but 
never tried one myself.  I have an ergo carrier and a beco gemini carrier 
carrier.  I love both carriers and I don't really find the extra weight a 
problem.  I prefer to carry my babies on my hip or back, but that's mlstly 
cause they get in the way when I'm doing stuff and when they're facing out 
they're particularly unhelpful when I'm trying to fold laundry etc.



-----Original Message----- 
From: Bridgit Pollpeter
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 10:42 AM
To: blparent at nfbnet.org
Subject: [blparent] Best strollers- carriers vs. strollers

I won't mind a carrier for certain situations, but I don't like them for
all-the-time use. In the beginning they can be great, but as the child
grows, I find them restrictive for baby and the extra weight too much
for me to carry around so much. Both sisters and sister-in-law tried
carriers, and I tried along with them, and we just didn't like them for
us, though tons of people certainly use and love carriers; this was just
our experience.

I'm use to a stroller, and many nowadays fold up quite easily and
nicely, and you don't have to remove items in storeage basket when
folded up, at least the ones we are looking at. One option can be to use
carrier and keep stroller folded up until at location when you can then
place them into a stroller if not wanting to use the carrier all the

I do want a carrier for certain situations, but for me personally, I
prefer the stroller when out-and-about.

Out of curiosity, those who do, or have, used carriers, does the extra
weight get to you? This was my first thought the first time I tried a
carrier. I'm pretty active and fit, but have a slimmer frame and found
if I kept a baby in a carrier too long, it was uncomfortable and
burdensome. Again, this is just my experience and not saying it means a
carrier therefore is not the way to go for others, or that you will not
adjust to using a carrier, but I just found it fine when at home but
burdensome when using out-and-about.

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Read my blog at:

"History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan

Message: 15
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 17:52:26 -0400
From: "Tammy" <tcl189 at rogers.com>
To: "Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [blparent] Best strollers
Message-ID: <DA53236D0D8E4930AB95D42BEAA2111A at laptop>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";


It sounds like you might be better off skipping the stroller and getting
baby carrier like the ergo or similar.  You wouldn't have to worry about

pulling anything or wheels of any kind that way.  I have a graco flip-it
it was great while Ashlyn was little but now I prefer to use the
and so does she.  I don't have to worry about folding it on the bus or
anything, and she's always near me.  Ours has a canapy so if I don't
people invading my space and touching and talking to her I just put it
and she has some privacy for sleeping.  It might be a good option for
but of course, the advantage of a stroller is that you don't have to
the baby around with you all the time.  I never used a jogging stroller
the ones I've seen seem pretty bulky and I don't think I'd want to take
on the bus.  Most busses want you to fold strollers up which is a pain
for smaller strollers and smaller babies.  When the stroller is bigger,
the baby gets bigger it's more of a pain.  The sit n stroll wasn't too
because the wheels just fold into the base of the carseat but the wheels
pretty small so won't do on any terain bumpier than sidewalk.  My best
advice is to get a jogging stroller for the trails and find a used or
stroller for the busses and city travel.  I'd really think about getting
baby carrier though if I were you.  You might like it better then having
stroller at all.



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